The Trail Magik® Kid Carrier

The BEST kid carrier for active families with toddlers!

Calling all baby wearing families!

As a parent to a toddler, you most likely are experiencing a new phase that starts around 2 years old. Your toddler walks the majority of the time but still needs to be carried during hikes, walks, and general outings. We felt it cumbersome bringing along a traditional kid carrier as it takes up so much space in our backpack. Or, we’d forget it at the house because of how little we used it; leaving us carrier-less.

The TrailMagik® kid carrier is the answer! It folds up in a little square and weighs only a couple ounces. It takes up so little space and perfect to always keep inside your backpack and is taken out and easily used.

The Trail Magik® child carrier was designed for parents who want to take their 2-4 year olds backpacking. Period. This carrier works like a charm on a backpacking backpack with a waste band and nice cushy straps. 

Backpacking with a toddler is not easy... but with our Trail Magik child carrier, it makes it possible.

7 products

7 products